SW Services maintained by CNRS-INSU

The phenomena occurring on the surface of the Sun, in the solar wind or in the spatial environment of the Earth are likely to affect the performance and reliability of ground and space equipment, to endanger life or human health.

The study of the Sun, the solar wind and the terrestrial environment, their systematic monitoring and their operational forecasting in the frame of Space Weather activities constitute one of the mission of the Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (INSU/CNRS), called National Observation Service (SNO). In addition to its societal aspects, this mission has significant scientific spin-offs, particularly on the understanding of solar cycles, on the physics of the relationship between the heliosphere and the Earth, and on the dynamics of the Earth's space environment. This also requires the skills of astronomers and astrophysicists and uses their observation and simulation capabilities, which are essential for preparing operational and forecasting activities.

Services associated with Space Weather activities and which can be recognized by INSU relate to:

On-going projects

A list of projects will be available soon